window for foreign teachers
Visitor’s view: Holidays!
发布时间:2012.11.12  浏览次数:6220

Happy (belated) Halloween! J

I love this holiday!! Which may seem a little weird. But in my family we always made a big thing of it. As children my sister and I would go around our neighbourhood trick-or-treating. Even when I lived abroad as a child I have clear memories of fancy dress parties and chocolate filled fun.  Plus I loved singing the silly song:

Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat,
If you don’t
I don’t care
I’ll just snatch your underwear!”

There are many different versions- but this is the one I know best. I love the history and fun behind this holiday. Speaking of which…

Let’s not forget- Happy Belated Guy Fawkes Day!!

The 5th of November is another holiday in Britain called Guy Fawkes Day/Fireworks Night.  A long time ago Guy Fawkes (along with 12 others) tried to kill the then King- King James. He was going to blow up the Parliament. But he was caught- on the 5th of November- and the King was safe. (see picture)The following year the King decreed that the day of Guy Fawkes’ capture should be celebrated.  So every year since then the people of Britain have celebrated the 5th of November. In schools we make little Guy Fawkes dolls to throw on the bonfires that we will all gather round that night. As we make our way to the bonfire the children will often walk down the streets asking for pennies for the Guy. (as seen in the little picture)Then there are always lots of fireworks.

In Aberdeen, where I studied at University, the city makes a really big thing of this holiday. There is a firework display to music down at the local beach where hundreds of people gather to watch (including me!). (I’m the one on the far right of the picture)

One more thing we do on this holiday- we all sing the same song. There are 3 verses but most people (including myself) really only know the first one off by heart. I have had fun this week teaching it to the students. It goes like this:
“Remember, Remember
the 5 of November,
gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason,

Should ever be forgot!”

Both of these holidays actually tie quite well into the story that the students are reading; “Hansel and Gretel.” It is a kind of scary story and it also deals with betrayal. So that worked out nicely.

Plus it’s just been nice sharing these holidays with everyone, especially after everyone made me feel so welcome over the National day and Mid autumn festival. Plus last month the other ELAs and I were invited to find out about the Double Ninth Festival- and eat a lot of rice cake! Sometimes I find it hard to believe it’s only been three months since I came to China- at other times I feel like I’ve just arrived. I still have so much to see and do!(Not mention still so much of the story book still to cover! ) But I still love every moment.

Until next time!
